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Apple in the update spiral ? How bad is it ?

You don’t have to be particularly attentive to notice that one iOS update is chasing another. Is Apple stuck in the update spiral? How bad is it ?

The old flair has been lost. Instead of installing the latest update as quickly as possible, it is better to wait two to three days until the new errors are known.

It seems as if Apple is trying to move forward with all sorts of innovations and enhancements that it doesn’t need at all, while forgetting about the stability of the iOS versions in use.

Personally, I don’t need to create my own stickers of myself or my pet at all. I need the iPhone for reliable communication.

Apple in the update spiral ?

The specified errors will be fixed, but at the same time new errors will appear with the new update. It is also my personal experience that errors that are not so relevant cannot be corrected.

  • The battery problems extended from iOS 15 to 17.2 (my experience).

  • I’ve reconfigured Face ID several times, sometimes it doesn’t work. Often you have to “swipe up” and Face ID works.

  • Assign locations in photos. For example, photos where the island “Koh Lara” is shown cannot be changed to the exact location “Samae Beach”, that is not possible. This also applies to other places, Klo Lara is just one example.

  • When I tried to synchronize the iPhone, 39 objects always appeared in the photo library to be synchronized, but they did not synchronize (just like the iPhone does not synchronize either, as see below).

  • The use of maps is very….🧐 here in Thailand. Reported problems with wrong locations, wrong direction of travel (e.g. one-way street), etc. will not be processed.

  • In Thailand we have good 5G coverage and yet iCloud transfers sometimes take up to 10 minutes, for example 1 minute of video HD 1080. With photos, a photo can take 1 minute…. To illustrate, 10 photos take 10 minutes. This is the same in the mobile data network and in WLAN.

  • Some apps like iMovie, for example, always have to be closed and restarted to ensure 100% functionality. Green Alpha Map is sometimes not processed/crossfaded or the display of the audio track is delayed.

  • Then since iOS 17.2.1 we have had a problem synchronizing with MacBook, i.e. iOS and WINDOWS (I also have feedback on that). The synchronization runs for 3, 4, or even 5 hours without an error or interruption. However, if you make a backup first and then synchronize it, it sometimes works.

    In the forums you can read that you have to reset the iPhone and restore it from the backup. The update error would then be gone.

    Well, I bought an iPhone for a lot of money so that I didn’t have to restore the iPhone once a quarter, you also have to do a few hours of rework – a NO GO!

    This is how you can synchronize ! iOS 17.2 iPhone syncing hangs (FIX)

  • The latest message is from GIGA: Update puts iPhones in checkmate. Even if this is now only limited to the beta, the likely problems at Apple can be seen.

Apple in the update spiral ? How bad is it ?

Apple in the update spiral ? Apple always likes to keep a low profile when it comes to such errors. Well, that’s Apple’s business policy, it has advantages and disadvantages, but I don’t want to get involved in that.

However, I’m asking myself the question here: have you been programming around errors for so long that you can no longer easily fix the errors? Well it’s comparable to medicine. A bypass that has been placed must also be treated separately if the problem that made the bypass necessary no longer exists.

Well, I have more errors that I reported a long time ago, unfortunately in vain. Most of you are also not aware of the problems with network connections that were only fixed two iOS versions later. I think it’s starting to question the reliability of the products.

Conclusion: I now use a Samsung as a second cell phone, I think that says a lot when an Apple supporter secures himself from competitors.

The difference to Apple service

On the other hand, I also think it’s worth mentioning that Apple’s service in the area of hardware and devices is still top. Even here in Southeast Asia, the service is exemplary. Accessibility and processing and the solution to the problem are without any complaints.

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#Apple #iOS #iOSbugs #AppleBugs #UpdateSpirale

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