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Binance Merged Mining Reward FB

Merged mining rewards are available depending on which coin you are talking about, e.g. Fractal Bitcoin. And this is how you get them !

If you mine cryptocurrencies in the Binance Mining Pool, you will receive rewards. For Bitcoin mining, this is the Fractal Bitcoin Token. If you mine a different coin, you will receive a different reward, depending on the coin in question.

In this video, I’ll show you how to collect the rewards using Fractal Bitcoin, i.e. Bitcoin Mining. After all, we don’t mine for fun! 😁

Video: Binance Merged Mining Reward FB

Language: 🇩🇪
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If you mine a different coin, you can transfer the entire procedure to other rewards.

  1. Select and set up an exchange or wallet to receive the wallet address with which you can receive the rewards.
  2. Update your Binance Mining profile with the payout address.

That’s all, as shown in the video.n sell, hold or invest as required. That’s your personal decision.

Good luck! ⚒️

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