You are currently viewing Docker | docker-compose build Container updaten (EN)

Docker | docker-compose build Container updaten (EN)

Also, when using Watchtower, containers created with “build” are not updated. Watchtower does not support this either.

This update method can be applied to other projects, it does not depend on the project used in the video.

! Before updating you should make a backup !

Updating the docker-compose project / containers

The following commands update all containers, the normal ones and containers created with “docker-compose build”.

sudo docker-compose pull

Load the latest container images, taking into account the versions of each container, as defined in the docker-compose.

sudo docker-compose build --pull --no-cache

Reload the container files created with “build”, as defined in the dockerfile. We use “–no-cache” so that all files are loaded safely as well.

sudo docker-compose up --build -d

Starting the docker-compose project with the “–build” parameter so that the app is rebuilt.

I generally restart the entire Docker project after the update with

sudo docker-compose down
sudo docker-compose up -d

Note: If you are a user belonging to the group: docker, you can omit the “sudo”.

… ready that’s it

The project docker-compose: SQL, PHP, MySQL NGINX etc. can be found here:

Part 1: Basic setup of Docker, configuration and start of the Docker project

Part 2: Update, extensions and osTicket installation on the WEB server

The video of Watchtower

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#Docker #DockerCompose #Update #DockerUpdate #DockerComposeUpdate #DockerComposeBuild #DockerComposePull

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