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EU AMLA at the start Act NOW

AMLA at the start Act NOW – central EU register of accounts from 2029! It will make your hair stand on end, you should know that!

The YouTube channel “Perspektive Ausland” has shared a new video, you won’t believe it, it’s hard to believe what the EU is coming up with!

Fittingly, you simply can’t think of anything else in context other than CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency). I don’t know about you, but I don’t need a slide rule to add 1 +1 (AMLA and CBDC). The story won’t end with the transparent citizen but with the “controlled citizen”, according to the motto “if you’re not good, you won’t buy anything”. And the term dream* will take on a whole new meaning! Dream house, dream vacation, dream car, dream job, etc.

☝️ Keep dreaming – or wake up!

Video: EU AMLA at the start Act NOW

Language: 🇩🇪
☝️ Use YouTube subtitles for all languages.

To the video of “Perspektive Ausland”

The new EU supervisory authority AMLA was officially launched on 26.06.2024 in Frankfurt am Main. The AMLA has far-reaching powers and will monitor all financial flows in the EU, including all crypto transactions over 1000 euros, in the name of combating money laundering and terrorism.

If money laundering or terrorist financing is suspected, accounts can be blocked, transfers stopped and even house searches initiated by the AMLA.

With the AMLA, the (terrifying) vision of the transparent citizen will become reality: the introduction and linking of asset registers, commercial registers, property registers and the new central register for EU bank accounts will enable financial and investigative authorities throughout the EU to access the most intimate financial and asset-related information at the touch of a button.

The central register for EU bank accounts, it has now been announced, will be launched on 10.07.2029 at the latest and will be filled with all account transactions from the last 5 years – i.e. everything on 10.07.2024. It is therefore urgent that you take measures now to protect your privacy.

Those: Perspektive Ausland Podcast

You have to see the video and the report!

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#AMLA #CentralRegister #AssetRegister #CommercialRegister #RealEstateRegister #EUbankAccountRegister #GlaisseBuerger #Privacy #EUsurveillance #FinancialFlows CBDC #ControlledCitizen

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