Message “The extraterrestrials to mankind” | official WEB page


Message “The extraterrestrials to mankind”. A very popular media news, from 2003, making its rounds on the Internet. According to the sources of: Dr. Johannes Roemer-Blum and Jean Ederman.

To begin it goes however first times around the “explanation of the crop circles”, peculiarities, events, mysterious and special finds, which were made in the crop circles.

This news and this book will not settle the question of good alien / bad alien. It is, however, very pertinent to all that is happening promptly, around us, in this seemingly insane world. Twenty years lie between the message of the aliens and our time – our present.

Is it just the message or is there more ? Does the story end at this point or does something completely new begin, for which only the fewest people are prepared ?

How will you decide at the end of the book ?

According to the sources of:

Dr. Johannes Roemer-Blum and Jean Ederman.

By Michael Klissner

2nd edition, extended version

Language: German

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#Message #MessageOfAliensToMankind #Alien #Aliens #CornCircles

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