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NiceHash 60 days rule – minimum withdrawal limit rip-off ? 

New ! NiceHash 60 days rule, a Swiss rule not from NiceHash. This way you avoid the fee despite the minimum withdrawal limit.

NiceHash has relocated its headquarters to Switzerland. The relocation to Switzerland has also been officially announced, as well as the new regulations, including the “60 day rule”.

This rule states that inactive funds from mining may not remain in the mining wallet for longer than 60 days. After that, they must be transferred to the “individual wallet” or a freely selectable wallet. The coins can then be stored or used there indefinitely.

Well, I had only half-read that and thought to myself: “Well, that’s fine!” 😁 As an active miner, nothing can happen to me.

Well… and then about €10 of my mining balance was taken from me just like that – poof and gone! 😳 But that only happens to me once!

The next day, I came up with a solution: simply have the balance paid out, even if it’s below the minimum payout limit.

The minimum payout limit is set so that it covers the fees for the payout and also includes a small profit for you. The aim is not to annoy you, but to protect you from high fees so that some of the balance arrives and is not eaten up by the fees. Sounds strange, but that’s how it is.

So what could be more obvious than making the payout via “Lightning” – with €0.00 fees?

Watch the video to find out exactly how it works, what you need to watch out for and what mistakes you’ll find! 👍

Video: NiceHash 60 days rule – minimum withdrawal limit rip-off ? 

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It’s not so bad, you even save a lot of fees with this solution.

So there’s no reason not to stick with NiceHash.

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