You are currently viewing NOSTA Protocol WARNING


Decentralized and free from censorship ? The social media competitor is changing content! Therefore a NOSTA protocol WARNING!

NOSTA is an open communication protocol. It’s like your favorite social media service, but no company or group controls it. It’s open to anyone who wants to use it and build on it – a bit like old-fashioned email.

Here’s an article on the subject:

First of all, a few days ago I noticed that my posts were being redirected and links were being changed. Basically, the token that makes it possible to receive donations has been truncated. This means that donations are no longer possible via the forwarded post with the changed link – yes, we all like to work for free just because some weirdo has to program a bot to make himself important.

Well, while preparing this video, I noticed that my original posts had also been altered. So I’m getting notices in my “chronicle” about missing links!

Watch the video and judge for yourself.

Video: NOSTA Protocol WARNING

Language: 🇩🇪
☝️ Use YouTube subtitles for all languages.

After watching the video, you’ll agree with me: If my posts can be changed by X, Y and Z, Nostr is worse than Facebook and co.


  • Delete account
  • Destroy keys
  • Delete apps etc.
  • … done !

Link to support / donation for the channel
PayPal Link
Bank transfer, Bitcoin and Lightning

NOSTA #NOSTAprotocol #Decentralized #SecurityGap #ChangedContent #replied #removedParts #TrackingTokenDisrespector

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