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RustDesk Server Klient Setup with Relay Server connection

Create a file that connects RustDesk directly to your RustDesk Server. This is how the RustDesk Server client setup works!

The RustDesk configuration of the client with the server data should actually be possible under Windows by editing the file name of the setup file. But sometimes it is not, for some it does not work for others. I am once again one of the others, so I need a reliable solution.


If the setup file has been edited “it should work”. You are welcome to try it yourself😁.

I have decided to take a different approach. This is now based on WINDOWS, but the idea can be transferred to Mac and Linux 👍.

Video: RustDesk Server Klient Setup mit Relay Server Verbindung

Sprache: 🇩🇪
☝️ Use YouTube subtitles for all languages.


You need the program RAR Packer, download this and install it if it is not set up on your system.

Erstelle ein Arbeitsverzeichnis, ich erstelle im Beispiel das Verzeichnis RustDesk auf dem Desktop.

Download the RustDesk software

You can get these at

Save the file in the working directory created above. If necessary, move the setup file from Downloads to the working directory.

Create the configuration

Now we need a configuration that can be copied. To do this, start the RustDesk.exe from your working directory.

Important! When RustDesk has started, do not click on install, this is not very useful.

Follow the steps in the video to make the settings under Settings (the three dots under “Your desktop”) -> Network.

ID server: Your Internet domain (for example under which your server can be reached via the Internet. or the Locale IP v4 address (for example if you are working locally.

Key: Enter the Publik Key here, which you created as described in the article Setting up the RustDesk Relay Server | Docker | Encryption and zero tariff.

Click on [Apply] and exit RustDesk normally.

Copy the configuration

Create another folder with the name “config” in the working directory.

Now copy the two files “RustDesk_local.toml” and “RustDesk2.toml” from the directory “%APPDATA%\RustDesk\config” into the “config” directory.

Create a rustdesk.cmd

This CMD file will perform the following tasks:

  1. Saving the current RustDesk configuration
  2. Overwrite the current RustDesk configuration with our data
  3. Starting RustDesk with our configuration
  4. At the end of the session, when RustDesk is closed, our configuration is replaced with the original configuration. This means that our server relay data will be deleted.
@echo off
title RustDesk - Spontaner Support
echo Die Fernwarnwartung wird gestartet, bitte warten…
rem Konfiguration kopieren
xcopy /s /i /y "config" "%AppData%\RustDesk\config" >nul
rem RustDesk ausfuehren
rem Warten bis das RustDesk wirklich beendet ist,
rem andernfalls klappt das Aufraeumen nicht.
tasklist | find "rustdesk.exe" >nul
if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 (
timeout /t 1 >nul
goto loop
rem Ordner entfernen
rmdir "%LocalAppData%\RustDesk" /S /Q >nul
rmdir "%AppData%\RustDesk" /S /Q >nul
rem Beenden

Save the file in your working directory under the name “rustdesk.cmd”.

I found the file “rustdesk.cmd” in Anders Norén’s blog. He has written a very good article on the subject. These instructions here are based on his work which you can find at Link to the Blog of Anders Norén can be found. There you will also find other options that he has published, I can only recommend them 👍.

Erstellen the RustDesk.exe file

Here we use the RAR Packer, as mentioned above.

The creation of the “RustDesk.exe” is explained in detail in the video, if you are not familiar with it. Also setting what should be done after unpacking, processing data only temporarily and so on. Please watch the video at this point.


As long as the remote session is running, i.e. RustDesk is being used, a “Command Prompt Window” is active and open. Do not close it, as this would terminate RustDesk. This also messes up the copying of configurations, which is not what it is designed for. A cosmetic error, simply minimize the window to the task bar and that’s it.

After the session, exit RustDesk normally so that the original configuration is restored. If you end the session remotely yourself, the PC will disconnect and restore the original configuration.

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