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Smart cities, do you really want to live in such a city ?

Smart Citys | Do you really want it ?

Smart Citys – Curse or Blessing?

What do you imagine under a “Smart City” ? Please write it in the comments, I am curious what expectations there are for a smart city and what advantages you see.

But what is the price for such a smart city ?
How much money are you willing to pay?

According to plans, smart cities promise progress, sustainability and a high quality of life, and are being pushed by politicians and the media in the name of the climate and the environment. But this hype should not obscure the reality. The “smart” digitalization and networking has backgrounds and dark sides that are illuminated in this program and that everyone should know. One of the buzzwords you always come across is NWO, surveillance and total control.

All backgrounds are shown in the contribution from, which I have linked here for you.

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How do you think about “Smart Cities” now, after having seen the contribution ?

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#SmartCity #SmartCities #NWO #NewWorldOrder #Digitalization #Digitalization #TotalControl

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