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Technical certificate TÜV in Pattaya

If you are in Pattaya at the Department of Land and Transport (DLT), depending on the age of your scooter you will be sent for a technical inspection. This is how it works with the TÜV technical certificate in Pattaya.

  • You drive off the DLT railing and turn left
  • Take the next opportunity to turn left
  • The second building on the right, inscribed with gold in Thai, is also the destination.

The check takes about 20 minutes (that’s how it was for me) and the lights and indicators are checked. The exhaust gas values are also measured.

The issuance of the technical certificate costs 60 Bath.

You can then go straight back to the Department of Land and Transport, pay the tax and take your tax stamp with you.

Video: Technical certificate TÜV in Pattaya

Language: 🇩🇪
Subtitle: 🇩🇪🇬🇧

So no need to panic, everything is very simple and harmless. Just plan 40 to 60 minutes more time and you’ll be on the safe side.

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#DLT #TechnicalCertificate #TUEV #Pattaya #TechnicalVerification

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