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Telegram Pavel Durov arrested

Telegram’s Pavel Durov arrested ! He is facing 20 years in prison for refusing to censor his platform. Pure dictatorship, not democracy!

This is not the first time that the EU has wanted to force Telegram to submit to censorship and the release of user data (including chats etc.).

Consider the following:

  • Compact ban
  • Chat control
  • Attempts to ban the AfD (but accuse Thailand of suppressing the opposition)
  • Media report exactly the same story almost simultaneously (incl. photo and text)

Freedom of speech and opinion are a fundamental component of a democracy, which is obviously being trampled on here. The Second World War began in 1939 and, as then, it is the media (ÖRR/GEZ media) that spread their propaganda. They want to suppress everything else. Furthermore, you only have to follow the reports to realize that the West, including the EU, is provoking war with Russia by all means.

In Europe in particular, we should not forget that if war breaks out, Europe will become a military death zone … Sounds stupid, but it’s true!

If further action is taken against Pavel Durov, he will become the second Julian Assange.

Durov was arrested as he stepped off his private jet on the tarmac at Le Bourget airport in Paris. BFMTV reports that the Telegram founder was put on a wanted list and an arrest warrant issued just minutes before landing in Paris.

Durov “will be brought before an investigating judge on Saturday evening ahead of possible charges on Sunday for a variety of offenses: Terrorism, drugs, fraud, money laundering, receiving stolen goods, pedocriminal content,” TF1 reports.

Telegram Pavel Durov arrested, Russia demands the release of Pavel Durov

State Duma Deputy Speaker Davankov said he had sent an appeal to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to secure the release of Telegram founder Pavel Durov, who is being held in France.

“His arrest could be politically motivated and a means of obtaining personal information from Telegram users. This must not happen.”

Press spokeswoman Mariya Zakharova wrote;

“The Russian embassy in Paris, as usual in cases when information about the detention of Russian citizens by local authorities is received, immediately got to work. There is no need to remind our diplomats of their functional duties.

And I remembered how in 2018 a group of 26 non-governmental organizations, including Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Freedom House, Reporters Without Borders, Committee to Protect Journalists and others, criticized the Russian court’s decision, Block Telegram, condemned. Similar statements were also made in the West (1, 2, 3, 4.)

All this was said by them because on July 1, 2018, the Yarovaya law came into force in Russia, which obliges telecommunications service providers to keep records of telephone messages and Internet traffic of their customers for six months, as well as to store keys for decrypting users’ correspondence and provide them to the Russian Federal Security Service upon request. There have been legal complaints against Telegram in many countries due to the technical parameters of the encryption system.

These Western NGOs called on the Russian authorities to stop obstructing Telegram’s work. They called on the UN, the Council of Europe, the OSCE, the European Union, the USA and other governments to oppose Russia’s actions and protect the fundamental rights to freedom of expression and privacy. They also called on internet companies to oppose unreasonable and unlawful demands that violate the rights of their users. They called on the Russian authorities to guarantee the rights of users of the global network to publish information on websites and to view it anonymously, and emphasized that any restrictions must be approved by a court and are in full compliance with the European Convention on Human Rights.

However, Durov has remained at large all this time and has continued to develop Telegram.

I am posting a screenshot of all the Western profile structures that spoke out at the time, including a collective appeal. Do you think they will appeal to Paris this time and demand Durov’s release, or will they swallow their tongues?”


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#PavelDurov #Durov #Telegram #Dictatorship #Antidemocracy #FreedomOfSpeech #Censorship

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