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Thailand | UFO flew over Pattaya

At around 10:50 p.m. on June 26th, 2023, a triangular flying object with five strong whitish lights flew over Pattaya (Thailand). From the right across the entire horizon to the left towards Bangkok, in about I would estimate 10 seconds. Apart from the altitude, the size of the object must have been gigantic.

The triangular shape is not exactly a triangle, but had more of a boomerang appearance. The lights were also installed in the dirty form and clearly underlined the look.

I didn’t consider getting my phone to film the object. Since the object was moving very quickly, it was foreseeable that it would be gone before I had my cell phone at hand. I enjoyed the short time and let it work on me.

The photo shows the flying object quite well. I downloaded it from Pravda TV. It’s amazing how many photos there are from all over the world. This type of spaceship is probably seen more often

#Thailand #Pattaya #Extraterrestrials #Aliens #UnidentifiedObjectAboutPattaya #UFO #Overflight #Sightings

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